
The Warren report
Bell Ringers
Exit Exam Review
The My Lai Massacre
1960's Protest Songs
Text Book on-line
Chapter Preview
Trivia/Extra Credit
70's Television
State Standards
Issues of the 1960's
Issues of the 1970's
Issues of the 1980's
Issues of the 1990's
America Today

No man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent.
Abraham Lincoln

Topics in American History

The Beatles to Iraq




Grade level: 12

Length of Course: one semester – 1 credit

Prerequisites: United States History I & II


Students enrolled in this class will review contemporary American history issues beginning with the decade of the 1960’s and finishing with the war in Iraq. Samples of topics to be covered would include; the Kennedy assassination, Vietnam War, social issues of each decade, Watergate, the Reagan Presidency, Desert Storm, the Clinton Presidency, and the war and it’s aftermath in Iraq. These domestic and foreign events will help to complete the story of America.


Grading Criteria

Homework                             30%

Tests                                      25%

Notebook & binder     15%

Projects                                  15%

Quizzes                                  10%

Participation                            5%


Supplies needed

Three-subject spiral notebook

Three ring binder

Pens & pencils



All students enrolled in "Topics in American History are expected to come each day with a positive attitude and

completed assignments

willingness to work cooperatively with others

willingness to contribute thoughts and ideas



Mandatory Notebooks - All students will purchase a 3 subject notebook. Notebooks will be used on a daily basis, and be collected and graded at the end of each 6 weeks grading period. All notebooks should be organized as follows;

1  Notes

2  Homework

3  Terms


Research - All students will complete a research project of a topic to be assigned by the teacher. Specific details of the project will be given at a later date. The project will account for 15% of the 6 weeks grade.


Cass Web Page

Visit the class web site at or through the MHS homepage. The web site provides a virtual classroom to help you in case of an absence, or you are seeking supplemental information. Check out the trivia.



Make Up Work

It is the responsibility of each student to secure all make up work due to any absence. One class period will be given for each day of absence. It is recommended that in the event of an extended absence (2 or more days), arrangements should be made with the guidance office to have homework sent home. Also all students can access homework through my web site.




Participation points will be earned for each day you attend class. You can lose points due to absences, tardies, sleeping, discipline or forgetting to bring supplies. Individuals that have excused absences will be given the opportunity to make up lost participation points by completing an assignment chosen by Mr. Breske. participation points for other types of violations can not be made up



On Line Text Book

Our textbook, America Pathways to Present in available on line. All students will be given information in class on how to access the book. This is a great tool to make use of.

Seven time Tour de France Champion and cancer survivor
Luck? Born a Champion? Hard Work?

An interesting thought

      Not everyone has genius. But everyone has talent. Perfect your talent and many will think you’re genius.