Chapter 22 Preview
The Kennedy and Johnson Years
1961 – 1968
734 – 742
mandate, New Frontier, Yuri Gagarin, Lee Harvey Oswald,
Jack Ruby, Warren Commission
743 – 750
Great Society, Head Start, VISTA, Medicare, Medicaid,
Immigration Act of 1965, Earl Warren
751 – 759 Bay of Pigs invasion, Cuban Missile Crisis, Nakita
Limited Teat
Ban Treaty, Peace Corps
Reading Objectives –
All students u, upon completion of the above reading assignments will
be able to
1a) Name and describe domestic programs pursued
by President Kennedy.
1b) Understand the findings and conclusions
contained in the Warren Report.
2a) Name and describe cases that made the Warren
Court important and powerful.
2b) Name and describe key features President
Johnson’s Great Society.
3a) Identify and understand the significance
of the events that led up to the
Berlin Crisis
and the Cuban Missile Crisis and their outcomes.
3b) Understand and describe President Johnson’s
Viet Nam policy.
Time Line and Chronology
– Using your text book as a reference, find the correct month and
year that
the following events occurred. Place the dates on this
preview next
to the event. Transfer the event and dates into section
2 of your
notebook and place each event in chronological order,
1 thru 10.
The Miranda Decision is given by
the Supreme Court
The Berlin Wall is built
President Kennedy is assassinated
The Cuban Missile Crisis happens
President Johnson announces that
he will not run for re-election
The Medicare and Medicaid programs
are launched
President Johnson launches his war
on poverty
Soviet Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin circles
the earth
The Supreme Court decision Engle
v. Vitale is announced
22,000 U.S. marines are sent to the
Dominican Republic
Indiana State Standards covered in this unit
7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7